Wednesday, March 22, 2023


ON MARCH 24, 47 YEARS AFTER THE MOST BRUTAL GENOCIDAL COUP IN OUR HISTORY, L@S JUBILAD@S AND PENSIONAD@S WILL SAY PRESENTS!! TOGETHER WITH THE WORKING CLASS AND THE PEOPLE, FOR MEMORY, TRUTH AND JUSTICE As of the coup d'état of March 24, 1976, the Military Junta headed by the commanders of the three arms: Jorge Rafael Videla, Emilio Massera and Orlando Agosti, carried out the deepening of the repressive actions, which coordinated civil-military operations within the framework of the Condor Plan promoted by Yankee imperialism, against the struggles developed with national and social liberation projects in Latin America. A coup d'état that began the self-styled National Reorganization Process, the most atrocious dictatorship that our country suffered. The objective was the absolute subordination and dependence of Argentina and Our America to the global capitalist system, with disastrous economic, social and political consequences, carried out through repression, detention with torture, murder and disappearance of 30,000 compañer@s. As part of the working class and of the 30,000 disappeared; workers, retirees and pensioners joined the resistance and struggle to overthrow the dictatorship. Today we continue, along with the vast majority of our people, demanding trial and effective punishment in prison for all genocidal. For the Human Rights of today and tomorrow, NEVER AGAIN!! Today on our *Retirees Wednesday* 1616 we continue to denounce and alert, about the agreement - pact of the Government with the IMF (organization at the service of the large economic and political groups of the capitalist system) that was approved by a majority, in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate of the Nation, outside the popular clamor. The conditioning of the restructuring of the illegitimate, illegal and odious external and eternal debt with the IMF, mean more adjustments to the working class and the popular sectors, further exacerbating the high rates of poverty and marginality. The renegotiation of the IMF with the government leads to pension and labor reforms, reforms that have been applied and that tend to turn retirement into a subsidy for old age and the privatization of the system (our already known and disastrous AFJP of individual capitalization) to the increase in the profits of financial and banking capital. It is a fundamental task of the trade union, social, territorial organizations, consistent without giving up with the interests of the active and retired working class, the fight against adjustments and the defunding of the pension system. It is also urgent to put an end to unregistered, precarious work; to unemployment; underemployment; reestablish employer and state contributions and that pension funds be directed and administered by representatives of active workers and retirees, with the participation of the State, to guarantee decent income, health and housing for current and future generations THE FIGHT CONTINUES GOVERN WHO GOVERNS!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Press Release 1615 *Retirees Wednesday* March 14, 2023

CABA- Email: Blog.: TO FACE AND RESOLVE THE SERIOUS SITUATIONOF THE ACTIVE AND RETIRED WORKING CLASS AND OF THE POPULAR SECTORS. THE RETIRED AND PENSIONADS ARE ACTIVE LEADERS. WE FIGHT FOR WHAT IS EXPRESSED IN THE FIVE BASIC POINTS, AGREED WITH A SET OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CONTENTS IN THE PROJECTS OF THE NEW PENSION LAW; INSSJP-PAMI STANDARDIZATION LAW AND COMMODATUM HOUSING LAW FOR RETIRED AND PENSIONERS IN HOUSING EMERGENCY SITUATIONS We continue the fight for an organized and financed pension system based on criteria of assisted distribution and intergenerational solidarity, which must apply the resources, which come from the contributions of the workers, employer and State contributions, to the payment of pension benefits, guaranteeing with retirement a dignified life. This implies a substantial change in the nature of the ANSES. The representatives of the workers, active workers and retirees must have a fundamental role in the management and administration of the pension system, while the representation of the State will be in charge of controlling the legality and legitimacy of government acts. , in its Comprehensive and inalienable responsibility in matters of social security. This change is foreseen in the draft of a new Social Welfare Lawthat we elaborate, promote and present union, retiree and national deputy organizations. Bill, currently in the updating stage, for having lost parliamentary status every 2 years in the last decade, due to a political decision of the parliamentary majorities on duty regarding its non-treatment. This is a bill based on the constitutional and legal parameters of distribution and solidarity, which responds to criteria of proportionality and the substitutive nature of retirements with respect to active salaries and establishes that the minimum retirement amount must not be less than the basic basket of an older adult. We ratify the majority decision of our people to INVESTIGATE AND NON-PAY the illegitimate, illegal and fraudulent External Debt, contracted by the Macrista government and renegotiated by the current government with the IMF and which translates into adjustment measures and labor reforms , pension and tax. In terms of pensions, the international policies of the IMF, an organism of the large economic and political groups, dominant in the capitalist system, leading to converting pensions into survival subsidies and the privatization of pension systems for the absolute profits of capital. The projects that we must promote, debate, are implicit in the promotion of the coordination of the struggles of union, union, retiree, social, territorial organizations, for their own demands, and to put an end to the scourge of unregistered work , unemployment, underemployment, for an emergency increase for retirement and pensions and for the demand to debate our three bills in the Legislative Branch of the Nation. It is necessary to structurally address the pension system, the normalization of the INSSJP-PAMI and housing for retirees in emergency housing situations, with stages of application and financing. THE FIGHT CONTINUES WHO GOVERNS!

ARGENTINA: Press Release 1689 “Wednesday of the Retirees”

The story below comes to us from our correspondent Marcos Wolman in Buenos Aires. What is extrordinary about the right-wing ass...