Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Press Release 1642 “Retiree Wednesday” September 20, 2023 WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS ACHIEVED BY THE STRUGGLES OF THE ACTIVE AND RETIRED WORKING CLASS, WE PROMOTE THE NATIONAL DAY OF SEPTEMBER 20 “DAY OF THE RETIRED PEOPLE OF ARGENTINA” AND THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF OCTOBER 1 “INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ELDERLY PEOPLE” ” (UN 1990) On September 20, the Day of Retirees of Argentina is celebrated, in commemoration of the sanction of Law 4349 in 1904. This law created the National Civil Retirement and Pension Fund for civil servants, employees and civil agents of the State. An experience of the working class of our country with international significance. Subsequently, other Funds were created, which allowed the incorporation of workers from various unions, both state and private, into the pension benefits. Throughout these 119 years, that incipient pension system evolved and modified according to the dominant policies at each historical stage. Among the changes produced in it in the last 32 years, based on the privatization policies of Menemism, very profound reforms were introduced, such as the one in 1991 that created the National Social Security Administration (ANSES). Two years later, in 1993, the pension reform was approved, establishing the Retirement and Pension Fund Administrators (AFJP), which marked the beginning of the attempt to privatize the entire system. The permanent struggles of retired workers, joined by a large number of unions, and even sectors of the population, put the very existence of the capitalization system in crisis. The dispossession of which the workers contributing to the AFJP were subjected was confirmed, for the exclusive benefit of the banks and financial entities, and at the same time the discredit of the management of those unions, which, being partners of the banks, were They became financiers at the expense of the workers they were supposed to represent. In 2008 the AFJP system was eliminated, leaving the State, through ANSES, with the direction and administration of the pension funds. It was a very tough battle that allowed us to generate a political scenario that would supposedly lead us to the realization of our demands.
However, almost 15 years after that moment we continue to see how the legitimate demands of retirees continue to be postponed: the amounts of retirements and pensions are very far from the basic subsistence needs for the vast majority; the PAMI intervened without cause or limits by the governments in power, with serious deficiencies in benefits, among others. A painful and scandalous reality that deprives those who worked and contributed with their solidarity contributions to maintain the pension system and with their daily work to build a country, the possibility of a dignified life. For this reason, on this September 20, we reaffirm our commitment to fight forFive Basic Points contained in the Three draft Laws prepared by a group of union, retirement, and social organizations: 1) Minimum retirement no less than the Basic Basket of an elderly person calculated by the Ombudsman for the Elderly of CABA; 2) 82% mobile on the salary of the active worker in the same position, trade or function. 3) Creation of the National Institute of Social Security for the direction and administration of pension funds, by representatives of active workers, retirees, and the participation of the State. 4) INSSJYP-PAMI normalization. End of the Intervention. 5) Housing on loan for retired or pensioned people. For a new public, pay-as-you-go,intergenerational Pension System led and administered by active and retired workers and with the minority participation of the State in its capacity as responsible for Social Security!! The IMF out of Argentina. Non-payment of the illegitimate, fraudulent and odious external debt and its demands agreed with the Government that imply adjustments and labor and pension reforms contrary to the interest of the people in general and the working class in particular!! On this date we want to remember all the classmates who are no longer physically with us and who gave a full demonstration of class commitment until the last day of their lives. For all of them: PRESENT, NOW AND ALWAYS!!! EVER ONWARD TO VICTORY!!! NATIONAL COORDINATING BOARD OF RETIRED AND PENSIONED ORGANIZATIONS OF THE R.A.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Press Release 1639 "Wednesday for Retirees" August 29, 2023

The general elections are less than two months away and, as happened in the PASO campaign, retirees and retirees still do not have a positive response to our just demands, which in substance are synthesized infive points agreed upon by a group of trade union, retiree and social organizations. Namely: 1) Minimum retirement not less than the Basic Basket of the Elderly calculated by the Ombudsman for the Third Age of the CABA 2) 82% mobile on the salary of the active worker in the same position, trade or function and the recomposition according to the work history of each worker, with recomposition of all the scales 3) Creation of the National Institute of Social Welfare, which will function as a non-profit non-state public law entity, with autarchy and legal, financial, accounting and administrative economic autonomy, directed and administered, as established by the National Constitution, by its stakeholders, who are the representatives of active workers , retirees and the participation of the State. 4) INSSJP normalization (PAMI), ending the Intervention and updating all those concepts corresponding to social benefits, guaranteeing equitable, effective and timely coverage of the beneficiaries, regardless of their place of residence. 5) Housing in Comodatum for retirees and pensioners; 10 (ten) percent of the housing units whose construction is financed directly or indirectly, totally or partially, with funds from the National Treasury Unfortunately, and in light of the evidence, it seems that these very important issues that involve more than seven and a half million older adults are not of interest to the majority forces that are running for the nation's presidency. In some cases we only hear references to pension reforms that would have as their main objective the privatization of the system or its direct elimination. As if that were not enough, the IMF requires Argentina from the last disbursement of US$7.5 billioncheck (that is, to continue with further adjustments) pension assets. On the other hand, the modifications approved in Deputies to the rental law mean certain damages to the rights of tenants and that, for obvious reasons, increase in the case of retirees. Retirees and retirees do not want handouts. We demand that our rights be realized. We have a few years, but even so we will continue fighting until the last breath for the same rights of the working class. EMERGENCY RAISE NOW! TO REACH A MINIMUM HAVE EQUAL TO THE BASIC BASKET OF AN ELDERLY PERSON AND PROPORTIONAL IN THE RETIREMENT SCALES!!! FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR RETIRED AND RETIRED!!!

ARGENTINA: Press Release 1689 “Wednesday of the Retirees”

The story below comes to us from our correspondent Marcos Wolman in Buenos Aires. What is extrordinary about the right-wing ass...