Tuesday, October 31, 2023


By Marcos Wolman LTI Correspondent in Argentina The Argentine people must choose in the runoff that will take place on November 19 between two candidates for president. One, Sergio Massa, who represents the current ruling party and who, due to his class interests, is far from representing the interests of the working class, whose policies, retirees and pensioners, we face with criticism accompanied by projects, in which daily mobilizations and struggles. The other candidate is Javier Milei, justifier and defender of the genocidal dictatorship and the policies carried out by it, to the detriment of the Argentine people, through State Terrorism and the application of neoliberal recipes. Candidate with political definitions conducive to the liquidation of rights won by the working class, among them, accelerating the privatization of pension systems. The elections of last October 22 put a stop to the representations of the conservative right and the extreme right. However, these historical enemies of the Argentine people have decided to join forces behind Milei's candidacy. It was announced by Bullrich and the true manager and driver of this entire maneuver to unify the most reactionary and sepoy sectors, Mauricio Macri. Faced with this situation, a product of the objective and subjective political conditions in the current correlation of forces, faced with two options that, as we said before, do not represent us, but in the case of one of them only predicts the worst of luck, we should not to be irresponsible in the face of the possibility that our people suffer the consequences of the policies that a far-right government would implement if it triumphed. From our Coordinating Table, with full autonomy from employers, governments and their political parties, aware of the profound crisis of the global and national capitalist system, and its consequences on the living conditions of the popular majority, of which retirees and pensioners We are part of it, we call to intensify the unity and struggle of union, retirement, social and territorial organizations, to face in the post-electoral stage the deepening of the labor, pension and tax adjustments and reforms imposed in the agreements with the IMF, the organization of the large dominant economic and political groups of the capitalist system. THE FIGHT CONTINUES WHO RULES WHO RULES!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


FROM SEPTEMBER 20 TO OCTOBER 1 WE DEVELOP DAYS FOR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL UNITY, WITH PROJECTS OF FIGHT FOR THE ACQUIRED RIGHT TO LIVE WITH AUTONOMY AND DIGNITY IN THE RETIREMENT STAGE OF LIFE. On September 20, we celebrated Argentine Retirement Day in various places across the country and with an important event in front of the national Congress. In this event, which was convened by the National Coordinating Committee of Retiree and Pensioner Organizations of the Argentine Republic, other retiree, union, social, and political party organizations participated, with whom defense actions are regularly coordinated. of the rights of older adult companions. On the other hand, October 1 was established in 1990 by the United Nations as the International Day of Older Persons. We conceive them as days of national and international bonding of struggles for common objectives, which are carried out in each country or region of the world, in defense of the rights and interests of this increasingly important sector of comrades. The National Coordinating Table of Organizations of Retirees and Pensioners, as a member of the International Trade Union Union of Retirees and Pensioners (UIS PyJ of FSM) promoted the call for the 8th International Day on October 1. On this occasion, on September 29, we participated in an important meeting with fellow leaders of the UIS PYJ of FSM from South American countries. From the interventions of each participant, it was concluded that there was a need to create spaces for debate and articulated actions, not only in opposition to the reactionary policies that the different governments want to impose, to the detriment of this sector of workers in their various categories. , but also in the generation of initiatives to coordinate the struggles. Shared internationalist objectives will be closer to being achieved if we are able to generate the necessary national strength. In this sense, it is our fight for the five basic points contained in the three draft laws promoted by the Coordinating Table, together with other organizations, for years in Argentina in favor of a new and true public, pay-as-you-go, solidarity-based pension system. , intergenerational; the normalization of the PAMI - ending the intervention - and access to housing. COORDINATING BOARD OF RETIRED AND PENSIONED ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC

ARGENTINA: Press Release 1689 “Wednesday of the Retirees”

The story below comes to us from our correspondent Marcos Wolman in Buenos Aires. What is extrordinary about the right-wing ass...