Monday, February 6, 2023


NATIONAL COORDINATING TABLE OF RETIRED AND PENSIONED ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC - Legal Status 8152- Address: Bmé . Miter 1419 –1° “A” (1037) CABA- Email: Blog.: Facebook: National Coordinating Table of Organizations of Retirees and Pensioners
Press Release 1610 "Wednesday for Retirees" February 8, 2023 RETIREMENT IS A RIGHT ACHIEVED BY THE WORKING CLASS. THE EXISTENCE OF INFORMAL EMPLOYMENT, UNREGISTERED EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT, UNDEREMPLOYMENT, PRECARIOUS WORK, IN ADDITION TO THE LOSS OF LABOR RIGHTS HAS CONSEQUENCES ON RETIREMENT. TODAY IT IS MANIFESTED IN THE UNCERTAINTY OF AROUND 800,000 WORKERS (9 OUT OF 10 WOMEN AND 7 OUT OF 10 MEN) WHO, IN CONDITIONS OF AGE TO RETIRE IN THE YEARS 2023 AND 2024, WILL NOT HAVE 30 YEARS OF CONTRIBUTIONS. This situation will increase due to the rigorous compliance of the Government with the adjustments and regressive labor and pension reforms agreed with the IMF, for the payment of the illegitimate, illegal and fraudulent foreign debt. An IMF that has just produced a report on anti-inflationary policies, which in 2023 will cause a slowdown in the world economy, with consequences for wealth creation and distribution concentrated in a few hands. For big business, the real dominant power of the capitalist system, the aforementioned reforms are strategic to guarantee their extraordinary profits. It is the responsibility of the State to resolve, with funds from these large economic groups, the enactment of a law that allows ordinary retirement for those who do not have thirty years of contributions. Otherwise they will be forced to retire with the PUAM (Universal Pension for the Elderly), which is 80% of the so insufficient Minimum Retirement Credit, and to which women access with 5 more years, at age 65, and without admitting the PUAM the right to a widow's pension. Unregistered work, unemployment, underemployment, the reduction and elimination of state and employer contributions to pension funds, as has been happening, meet the objective of adjustments in what they call "expenses" in retirement and Social Security, defunding the Public, Pay-as-You-Go, Intergenerational Pension System and lead to its privatization, for the accumulation of profits from banking and financial capital. It is the policy that the IMF and the organizations at the service of the large economic groups apply worldwide and that the active and retired working class and the popular sectors resist, such as the struggles that are taking place these days in France (with general strikes and massive mobilizations ) and those that are deployed in the world. WITH UNITY AND MOBILIZATION THE FIGHT CONTINUES FOR THE END OF UNREGISTERED, PRECARIOUS WORK. FOR AN EMERGENCY INCREASE SO THAT THE RETIREMENT PAYMENT COVERS THE BASIC BASKET OF AN ELDERLY PERSON -AND PROPORTIONAL AT ALL SCALES-, FOR THE MOBILE 82% OVER THE BEST SALARIES, FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF PENSION FUNDS BY WORKER REPRESENTATIVES @S ACTIV@S, RETIRED, WITH PARTICIPATION OF THE STATE

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ARGENTINA: Press Release 1689 “Wednesday of the Retirees”

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