Sunday, June 2, 2024

ARGENTINA: Milei's DNU is still in force, negatively affecting the lives of millions of people

The year progresses and Milei's DNU is still in force, negatively affecting the lives of millions of people. As if that were not enough, the project called the Bases Law is in the legislative process in the Senate, which if approved will mean a decisive step, taken by the Government and its allies, to the detriment of the people. We are in the presence of a government that vindicates the historical periods marked by social inequality basically expressed in the hunger of the popular sectors while a national and foreign business elite obtained succulent benefits. This social model of misery and exclusion seeks to be replicated today by this oligarchic entente that governs our country. Popular organizations have a great challenge, which is to confront with increasing strength and unity this national government that promotes an unjust, oligarchic and pro-imperialist country model. The retired and pensioned sector is one of the most affected by government actions. Indeed, the ruling party and its allies despise the working class and in particular the elderly, whom they consider a burden. The objectives of these true members of the caste that exploits us are: to convert pensions into mere subsidies for old age (or poverty?) by taking pension amounts to almost symbolic figures, to deny the right to retirement to the enormous majority of working people and promote the privatization of the pension system (AFJP or variants) offering it as the only viable alternative. Given this state of affairs, from the National Coordinating Table of Organizations of Retirees and Pensioners we reiterate our demand based on the fact that the minimum retirement income must be equal to the amount of the Basic Basket for the Elderly calculated by the Ombudsman for the Elderly of CABA and proportional to the rest of the scale. Currently that monetary value is above $700,000. We say to the legislators: Stop giving the sad spectacle of seeing who proposes the most miserable initiative! We retirees have built this country and we simply intend to live this stage of our lives with the greatest dignity. At the same time, we insist on the creation of a new pension system that is public, pay-as-you-go, supportive, intergenerational led and administered by active and retired workers with a minority participation of the State as its guarantor. NO TO THE DNU!!! NO TO THE BASE LAW!!! THERE WILL BE A MINIMUM EQUAL TO THE BASKET FOR OLDER ADULTS!!! LET'S MOBILIZE MASSIVELY WHEN BOTH THE BASE LAW AND THE DNU ARE TREATED !!!ONLY THE PEOPLE WILL SAVE THE PEOPLE!!! Argentina, May 28, 2024.-

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