Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Intervention of K. Ragavendran, AIPRPA

I was elected as a member of Technical and Research Commission in Bogota TUI (P&R) Congress. Later I was approved as the Coordinator of Asia for TUI (P&R). I could discharge my responsibilities to some extent and definitely not to my potential. KOVID-19 played its part too otherwise I would have travelled to Pakistan on the advise of the General Secretary TUI(P&R). 

My efforts to establish link with pensioners organisation in Asian Countries also not fructified. In India, i have tried to enroll some pensioners associations in TUI. The Tamilnadu State Govt Pensioners Assn with more than 50,000 members agreed. Now, that organisation is successful.in forming AISGPF (All India State Govt Pensioners Federation). I will try that this AISGPF agrees to join TUI. Another Pensioners Union " Dakshina Railways Pensioner Union" (DRPU) is formed recently and many divisions are being formed.I have requested that organisation to affiliate with NCCPA in India and with TUI(P&R) globally. The leaders agreed and they will be invited as observers in Asia Regional Conf where they will declare joining TUI. I have also attempted with Tamilnadu State Electricity Board Pensioners Welfare Assn (30,000 members) and Tamilnadu State Transport Pensioners Welfare Assn (30,000 members) to join TUI. They will take decision in their state conference.

 We tried from AIPRPA, AIBDPA and NCCPA to remit our affiliation fee dues after Bogotá conf. Because of some restrictions in Banks we could not do that. But a Bank Manger assured help in remitting money to TUI for AIPRPA. I will do this. I am attending almost all video.conference meetings organized by leadership of TUI (P&R). I am submitting my self appraisal to the TUI(P&R) as demanded. Thanks

comrade, Yours fraternally, K.Ragavendran

K Ragavendran General Secretary AIPRPA

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