Tuesday, February 28, 2023

ARGENTINA: CTA Retirees Weekly Bulletin

AS WE HAVE BEEN POINTING OUT IN OUR WEEKLY PRESS RELEASES, THE APPLICATION OF LAW 27609 UPDATING THE RETIREMENT ASSETS OF REGISTERED WORKERS, FOR THE QUARTER OF MARCH, APRIL AND MAY 2023, WITHOUT A PREVIOUS EMERGENCY INCREASE DUE TO THE ACCUMULATED LOSS OF PURCHASING POWER, ESTABLISHES A MINIMUM RETIREMENT HEALTH OF $56,895.- IN POCKET, WHICH ONLY ENOUGH FOR A THIRD PART OF THE BASIC BASKET OF AN OLDER PERSON, AND WHICH IS NOT RESOLVED WITH A BONUS OF $500.- DAILY DURING THE QUARTER, AND EVEN MORE SERIOUSLY THE SITUATION OF NON-REGISTERED, UNEMPLOYED, PRECARIOUS WORKERS IN CONDITIONS TO RETIRE, WHICH SHOWS EVIDENCE OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT'S POLICIES AND THE APPLICATION OF THE ADJUSTMENTS AND QUARTERLY CONTROLS AGREED BY THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT WITH THE IMF, ORGANIZATION OF THE LARGE ECONOMIC GROUPS DOMINANT OF THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM, FOR THE PAYMENT AND REFINANCING OF THE ILLEGITIMATE, ILLEGAL AND FRAUDULENT EXTERNAL DEBT. With current pension laws, the loss of purchasing power will increase. With the unity and struggle of union, retiree, social organizations, consistent with the interests of the working class, let us promote a great debate and popular mobilization, which wins treatment and sanction in the Chamber of Deputies and in Congress of the Nation, of our Project for a new Social Welfare Law, which we will present again because the parliamentary majorities in office in the Chamber of Deputies "boxed" it for a decade, preventing its treatment in the respective Commissions, and, despite of the mobilizations, of the presentation of more than a million signatures, of meetings in parliamentary spheres, made him lose parliamentary status every two years as established by the regulation, and, with the updates that we are carrying out with a group of organizations, We will return to present it!! In the bill, a priority is those who must direct and administer the pension funds, which is established in Chapter III articles 13 to 34. ARTICLE 13.- The National Social Welfare Institute is created, which will function as a non-profit, non-state public law entity, with autarchy and economic, legal, financial, accounting and administrative autonomy.... ARTICLE 14- The purpose of the Institute will be: (inc. a) Administer the national retirement and pension schemes for dependent and self-employed workers, for which purpose it will have the powers, attributions and duties that the legal and regulatory provisions in force at the date of entry into force of this agreement to the National Administration of Social Security (ANSES). ARTICLE 15.- The Institute will be led and administered by a board of directors made up of seven (7) Directors, one of whom will act as President, elected by his peers. The Directors will be three (3) representing the workers, three (3) representing the retirees and pensioners and one (1) representing the National State. The Directors representing the workers and retirees will be directly and democratically elected by the affiliates and beneficiaries of SIPA. The Director representing the National State will be appointed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. TO PUT AN END TO THE ADJUSTMENT POLICIES AND PENSION REFORMS THAT THE IMF AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL POWER OF THE LARGE ECONOMIC GROUPS APPLY AT THE INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL LEVEL, LEADING TO TURNING RETIREMENT INTO A SURVIVAL SUBSIDY AND ITS PRIVATIZATION, THE EXPERIENCE OF THE STRUGGLES THAT ARE DEVELOPING IN OUR AMERICA AND IN THE WORLD, UNITY OF THE ACTIVE AND RETIRED WORKING CLASS IS THE WAY TO FIGHT FOR A TRUE PUBLIC, DISTRIBUTION, ASSISTED, INTERGENERATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM, A HEALTH AND HOUSING SYSTEM THAT ALLOWS THE CURRENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS OF RETIRED PEOPLE TO LIVE WITH AUTONOMY AND DIGNITY AND RETIRED!!

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ARGENTINA: Press Release 1689 “Wednesday of the Retirees”

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