Monday, April 17, 2023


On April 12, there were two important mobilizations called, one by the Autonomous CTA and the other by the Self-convocation for the suspension of payment and investigation of the foreign debt.Members of the CTA A and other social organizations that adhered to the convening reasons participated in the first one. Among the most important are a Universal Basic Salary, an emergency increase for active workers and retirees, and an economic program that guarantees popular sovereignty and dignity. In short, No to the adjustment on the working class and the popular sectors.The action was carried out throughout the country with cuts and mobilizations and had the City of Buenos Aires as its epicenter, the main act taking place at noon in front of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation. A delegation of the Autoconvocatoria participated in the act making use of the word, on their behalf, the comrade Beverly Keene.Later, starting at 2:00 p.m., the march called by the Autoconvocatoria began, starting from the Obelisk to the Plaza de Mayo, where the closing ceremony was held. Numerous social, political, trade union, human rights, and retiree organizations participated. Among the latter, it is worth highlighting the presence of colleagues from the Retirees and Pensioners Coordinating Table, which a few days ago celebrated its proud 55 years of existence.As usually happens, the dear companion of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Línea Fundadora, Nora Cortiñas, actively participated in the call.Numerous representatives of the participating organizations took the floor, as well as the general secretary of the CTA A, Hugo Godoy, who was present along with other colleagues from that union of workers.On behalf of the Coordinating Table, Marcos Wolman, highlighted the importance of the mobilizing initiative, as well as the direct relationship between the agreement and payment of the debt with the IMF and the situation of the vast majority of retirees and pensioners. They see and will see their poor material living conditions aggravated even more from the impositions of the international organization on the Government's economic policy, particularly towards the sector of workers and retirees. He placed particular emphasis on the objective of world economic power to turn retirement into a miserable subsidy for old age, opening the way for the voracity of the financial sector, with the creation of investment funds with the pension contributions of active workers. , such as the experience of the disastrous AFJP, a policy deployed by the IMF internationally.In his brief speech, he highlighted the five points of struggle of retiree organizations and called for unity in the struggles of trade union, union, piquetero, retiree, social, territorial organizations consistent with the interests of the working class and popular sectors to face and defeat the adjustment, and simultaneously create the conditions that allow us to build the political force for national and social liberation. Finally, he proposed to convene a unitary and fighting May 1st

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