Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Press Release 1621 *Wednesday for Retirees* April 25, 2023

ON THIS MAY 1ST, INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE WORKING CLASS, OUR COORDINATING BOARD, WITH 55 YEARS OF EXISTENCE AND MORE THAN 31 YEARS OF CALLING AND PARTICIPATING IN THE "RETIRED WEDNESDAYS", WILL BE PRESENT AS ALWAYS ON THIS DAY OF STRUGGLE, UNTIL ACHIEVING OUR FAIR AND UNDEFERABLE DEMANDS A REALITY. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE SHOWS US THAT WE WILL ONLY ACHIEVE IT WITH THE UNITY OF TRADE UNIONS, RETIRED, REGIONAL AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS THAT FIGHT WITHOUT GIVING UP FOR THE ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL DEMANDS OF THE WORKING CLASS. On May 1, it was declared "International Workers' Day" at the Socialist Workers' Congress of the Second International held in Paris in 1889, in homage to the hundreds of thousands of American workers, and in particular to the Chicago Martyrs, in the days of struggle that stopped that country in 1886, demanding 8 hours of work a day, among other demands. This May 1st we reiterate: RETIREMENT IS A RIGHT, NOT AN OLD AGE SUBSIDY! We continue the fight for a true Public Pension System, Pay-as-you-go, Assisted and Intergenerational, against the privatizing pension policies that the IMF, an organism of the dominant economic and political groups of the global capitalist exploitation system, tries to impose on us. The Social Security System and the INSSJP (PAMI) must be directed and administered by representatives of active workers and retirees, with the participation of the State, the only guarantee for a retirement/pension and decent prevention and health care. Given the high rates, the increase in prices for food, housing, medicines and other necessities at this stage of life, we affirm that an emergency increase is necessary and urgent so that the minimum retirement pension covers the Basic Basket of an elderly person. Said increase must be applied proportionally in all scales. It is the responsibility of the State to resolve this situation urgently, putting an end to unregistered and/or precarious work; to unemployment and underemployment and also restore employer and state contributions. The bonus is not a solution, it is a palliative, like Law 27,705 Pension Debt Payment Plan. We call to participate in activities throughout the country this May 1st together with the whole of the working class. Long live the struggles of workers around the world! Long live International Workers' Day!

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