Tuesday, May 9, 2023


BECAUSE OF THE WORSENING CONDITIONS OF SUBSISTENCE, HEALTH CARE AND HOUSING - OF THE IMMENSE MAJORITY OF RETIRED AND PENSIONERS - WE CALL ON THE ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ACTIVE WORKING CLASS AND RETIRED, TO THE ACTION UNIT TO PROMOTE AN INCREASE OF EMERGENCY AND PRODUCE A GREAT DEBATE AND POPULAR MOBILIZATION AROUND OUR PROJECT OF THE NEW SOCIAL PROTECTION LAW, WHICH WE WILL PRESENT AGAIN IN THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE NATION DEMANDING ITS TREATMENT. The situation that retirees and pensioners are going through does not admit of any doubt. It's just serious and desperate. The IMF insisting on the application of its agreements with the government for the payment of the illegitimate, illegal, fraudulent foreign debt; imposes new and endless adjustments on the backs of millions of workers, retirees and pensioners, to an Executive that is more committed to meeting the requirements of the dominant political and economic sectors, on a national and global scale, than in responding to the seriousness of the situation that the active and retired working class is going through. As if that were not enough, and in the course of a presidential election year, voices are being heard that, in accordance with IMF policies, are promoting the privatization of the retirement system to turn it into an important source of profit for the financial and banking sector of large economic groups, to the detriment of the workers, as we already experienced with the AFJP. We observe these initiatives throughout the continent and also in the so-called developed countries of Europe. In short: it is the dominant and hegemonic capitalist system, whose essence is exploitation, which does not stop in its offensive against the working class and the popular sectors. In these circumstances it is essential to fight in defense of the interests of the working class. An effective way to do this is by publicizing our pension system project and generating public debates, which guarantee placing an issue as important as the statement at the center of the political scene. In this sense, we propose in the bill a true public Pension System, of distribution, solidarity, universal, intergenerational, led and administered by active workers and retirees, with the participation of the State. At this crucial stage in history, we must promote the greatest unity and mobilization of consistent union, union, retiree, social and popular organizations, without giving in, with the interests of the working class, demanding the active and fundamental participation of the trade union organizations and trade unions, in the fight for a social security system that guarantees a life with autonomy and dignity for current and future generations of retirees and pensioners.

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