Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Press Release 1624 *Wednesday for Retirees* May 16, 2023
THE APPLICATION OF THE QUARTERLY UPDATE PERCENTAGES OF RETIREMENT ASSETS, ESTABLISHED BY CURRENT LAW, PLUS THE ARBITRARY BONUSES, WITHOUT A PRIOR EMERGENCY INCREASE DUE TO THE ACCUMULATED LOSS OF PURCHASING POWER, MAINTAINS THE MOST OF THE RETIRED AND PENSIONERS @S BELOW BASIC SUBSISTENCE NEEDS. The Minimum Retirement pocket plus the Bonus, in June will be $84,000.-, in July $86,000.- and in August $89,000.-. This shows the distance to cover the Basic Basket of an elderly person, which on March 31 was already $202,000.- and that increases with the monthly inflationary indices in food, housing expenses, medicines and basic subsistence components ; aggravated situation for those who receive the PUAM and that produces a flattening for those who exceed two minimum wages, who are not granted the arbitrary Bonus. An emergency increase (proportional on all scales) is urgently needed so that there is no pension fund below the Basic Basket. THE INSSJYP-PAMI- TURNED 52 YEARS OLD ON 05/13/2023. OUR FIGHT CONTINUES FOR THE END OF THE INTERVENTION!! NORMALIZATION NOW!! On May 13, 1971, with the impulse of mobilizations and the prominent role of our Coordinating Board, Law 19032 was sanctioned, creating the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners, better known as PAMI - Assistance Program Comprehensive Medical -, in order to provide medical, social and assistance to our specific population. A summary of two articles of Law 19032: Art. 1 - The National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners is hereby created, which will function as a legal entity under public non-state law, with financial and administrative individuality, in accordance with the regulations of this law.... Art. 5 - The government and administration of the Institute will be in charge of a National Executive Board (D.E.N.) and Local Management Units (U.G.L.) The D.E.N. It will be made up of eleven (11) Directors: seven (7) representing the retirees of the Institute, two (2) representing the active workers and two (2) representing the State. ..... We will resubmit our INSSJP STANDARDIZATION PROJECT LAW (PAMI) to the National Chamber of Deputies, to put an end to the serious deterioration caused by the successive interventions and so that our social work is administered by representatives of retirees. , of workers, activists and with the participation of the State. It is about our social work guaranteeing the Program of Social Assistance and Comprehensive Medical Care in any point of the country, so necessary at this stage of life.

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