Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Another important report from our LTI Argentina trade union Correspondent

NATIONAL COORDINATING TABLE OF RETIRED AND PENSIONED ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC - Legal Status 8152 Address: Bmé. Miter 1419 –1° “A” (1037) CABA- Facebook: National Coordinating Table of Organizations of Retirees and Pensioners Press Release 1625 "Wednesday for Retirees" May 23, 2023 MAY IS A VERY SIGNIFICANT MONTH IN OUR NATIONAL HISTORY. TWO EVENTS TOOK PLACE FAR AWAY IN TIME: MAY 25, 1810 AND MAY 29, 1969, IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS OF TIME. ITS REVOLUTIONARY CONTENT CHALLENGES OUR PRESENT WITH THE VALIDITY OF ITS MANDATE: THE CONSTRUCTION OF A POLITICAL PROJECT FOR THE NATIONAL AND SOCIAL LIBERATION OF OUR PEOPLES. This year marks 40 years of continuity of the democratic system established in the National Constitution, recovered by the struggles of the working class and the people who faced the genocidal dictatorship imposed by State Terrorism (1976/83). However, today we find ourselves with catastrophic economic and social statistics, caused by the adjustment carried out by the different governments on duty: around 50% of poor people (6 out of 10 girls and boys are in that situation), a drop in Chopped purchasing power of salaries and pensions, concentration of wealth resulting from the exploitation of the working class and the inflationary process in favor of large economic groups. Democracy has been distorted, the principle of Popular Sovereignty has been supplanted by the mandates of the IMF, the monopolies and the servitude of the governments in power. THE REVOLUTION OF MAY 1810 Mariano Moreno's thought, expressed in his Plan of Operations (1811), clearly indicates the enemy to face: the Spanish empire and the privileged class by the Commercial Monopoly. This commercial system was based on the exploitation of the work of the native peoples, the slavery of blacks and the suffering of rural populations. The objective of the Mayo revolutionaries was to put an end to the colonial hierarchical order, to build a new society in the intimate relationship of equality and freedom. A freedom that to be permanent should be based on economic reforms tending to a greaterSocial equality. Agrarian reform will be promoted in the different regions of our Latin America. It was a continental revolution, the anti-colonial struggle was expressed in the rebellion of Tupac Amaru in the old Inca empire, in the revolution of the commoners in Colombia, in the revolution of the slaves in Jamaica and Haiti. The May Revolution was unfinished but its legacy passed through the centuries, with revolutionary experiences with contradictions and limits, but also with contributions in the fight for humanization. THE CORDOBAZO It is related to this emancipatory process under the new historical conditions, designed by the class struggle in capitalist society, On May 29, 1969, the working class and the people of Córdoba, in an international revolutionary context: the Cuban and Vietnamese Revolutions, experiences such as the French May and revolutionary organizations in Our America and in the world, linked the struggle class with the needs to build an alternative society to capitalism: the socialist society. The popular insurrection of the workers and the people in the historic days of the "Cordobazo", the "Rosariazo" and in different parts of the country, was led by class leaders such as Agustín Tosco and Atilio López. The movement was repressed and its leaders imprisoned, but they achieved the resignation of the de facto President, General Onganía, paving the way for democratic recovery years later, while at the same time achieving a greater political role for the working class in the struggle for the power. As we pointed out at the beginning, both the events of May 1810 and May 1969 constitute the meaning of history for all those committed to the freedom and equality of the peoples. The demands and projects of the National Coordinating Table of Organizations of Retirees and Pensioners, assume the validity of this historical vision, which will only be possible to achieve with the unity of the organizations of the working class and popular sectors, with political determination. to confront the IMF, the big economic groups and the logic and capitalist interest

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