Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Argentina: Press Release 1634 "Wednesday for Retirees" July 25, 2023

The electoral campaign began with a view to the PASO that will be held on August 13, with a social reality that no one can ignore and that strongly affects the retiree sector. In this sense, we propose to each of the candidates, to each of the fronts and coalitions that present applicants for the different positions, that they make public what their specific proposals are on the pension issue. Ours, driven by the struggles, is the presentation of a bill that contemplates a true public, universal, pay-as-you-go, intergenerational, solidary Pension System, with the administration and management by the representatives of retirees and active workers, democratically elected, and the participation of the State as responsible for Social Security, and which guarantees mobility, 82%, equal treatment, progressivity and conservation of rights in addition to economic and financial autonomy. Immediately we demand an emergency increase that brings the minimum amount to the amount of the Basic Basket for an Older Adult calculated by the Ombudsman for the Third Age of CABA, and proportional in all scales. The cause of the retirees and of the pensioners, is the cause of the present and future working class, for which we call on the organizations of workers and active workers and retirees, social and popular, consistent with the interests of the working class, to unite in this fight. A few days ago, compañero Salvador Capará, leader of our Coordinating Table, died, a fighter, an indefatigable militant, who until the last moment of his life testified to his enormous and unyielding commitment to the just fight for the rights of retirees. Comrade Salvador Capará: PRESENT!!! NOW AND ALWAYS!!! NATIONAL COORDINATING TABLE OF RETIRED AND PENSIONED ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC

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