Saturday, July 29, 2023

News from Retirees and Pensioners in India

At the call of NCCPA (National coordination committee of Pensioners Associations) thousands of Pensioners from different affiliates of NCCPA have converged on 21.07.2023 at New Delhi the national capital. A powerful March to Parliament Rally was held and many leaders of Central TU, Parliament Members, Confederation of CG Employees and NFPE Secretary Generals, comrades from all affiliates highlighted the 15 Point Charter of Demands of Pensioners with number one demand to abolish National Pension Scheme based on employees monthly contribution. At the end of the rally comrades K.Ragavendran SG NCCPA and VAN Namboodiri Patron of NCCPA met the officials of Prime Minister of India and handed over the memorandum of NCCPA with more than 50,000 signatures obtained throughout the country during two months of signature campaign programme. TUI (P&R) leaders in India, comrades K.Ragavendran; K.G.Jayaraj; A.K.Ghosh; and Swastika Das Gupta played important role. - Some photos of mobilisation are given below: - K.Ragavendran TUI (P&R) Coordinator of Asia.

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