Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Press Release 1632 "Wednesday for Retirees" July 11, 2023

The Minimum Retirement Credit in July is $69,000.- (out of pocket), plus the arbitrary bonus of $17,000. A total of $86,000.-, which is received by 60% of retirees and pensioners and which is only enough for 34% of the Basic Basket for an Elderly Person, prepared by the Ombudsman for the Third Age of CABA. Said basket is determined at $202,064.- as of March 31 and, updated with the inflation indices for April, May and June, it will exceed $250,000.-. The bonus that is applied proportionally, up to a retirement similar to the sum of two Minimum Retirement Salaries, determines that the income of 85% of all national retirees and pensioners is not enough to cover basic subsistence needs. The situation worsens among those who receive the PUAM, that is, 80% of the Minimum Retirement Credit, and among those who are discounted the contributions for moratorium These are the adjustment policies that would make it possible to comply with the agreements that the Government has signed with the IMF for the payment of the illegal, illegitimate, fraudulent, odious, external debt (contracted by the previous government) without the necessary investigation to determine the responsibilities policies and the destination of those funds. These commitments aim to reduce the pension budget by transforming retirement into an old age subsidy It is essential that in this electoral stage the political forces and their candidates manifest themselves on the immediate need for an emergency increase on retirement and pensions and what is the pension system they are proposing. From the Coordinating Table, together with a significant number of retiree, social, union and political organizations, we promote a bill that we are debating widely and that proposes a public, pay-as-you-go, assisted, intergenerational pension system that guarantees 82% mobile on wages and a minimum credit that covers the Basic Basket of the Elderly. The direction and administration of the pension system will be in charge of the active workers and retirees, with the participation of the State

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