Tuesday, June 27, 2023


NATIONAL COORDINATING TABLE OF RETIRED AND PENSIONED ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC - Legal Status 8152 Address: Bmé. Miter 1419 –1° “A” (1037) CABA- Mail:jubiladomesacor@yahoo.com.ar Blog.: www.mesacoordinadora.blogspot.com Facebook: National Coordinating Table of Organizations of Retirees and Pensioners Press Release 1628 "Wednesday for Retirees June 13, 2023 JUNE 15, DECLARED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS AS THE "DAY OF RAISING AWARENESS AND PREVENTION AGAINST THE MALTREATMENT AND ABUSE OF THE OLDER ADULTS", IS A DAY OF AWARENESS OF THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF MALTREATMENT THAT EXPRESS THEM IN THE REALITY AND THE NEED FOR THE FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE ELDERLY, RETIRED AND PENSIONERS, WHICH ALLOW THEM TO LIVE THIS STAGE OF LIFE WITH AUTONOMY AND DIGNITY. The prolongation of human life, an achievement of scientific development and global collective knowledge, requires measures to ensure quality conditions in the increase in life expectancy. It is the fundamental responsibility of the State to implement adequate public policies and ensure the necessary economic resources.The material basis of the various forms of mistreatment and abuse is exercised with the current retirement assets of the majority of the workers, retirees and pensioners, who do not cover the basic basket of an elderly person, aggravated by the deterioration in prevention and health care and assistance in the INSSJP-PAMI-, in public health systems and in social works.Our permanent fight is for a retirement and pension that are a true substitute for salary or income, after years of contributions to the pension system of a part of the salary or deferred income.We are aware that this violence is part of the system of exploitation, with the objective of obtaining the maximum profit, headed by the large dominant economic groups of the capitalist system. Salaries, pensions and income not in accordance with the coverage of the basic needs of children, young people, adults, and older adults with deficiencies in access to health, housing, education , culture, recreation translate into poverty and all the negative aspects for the active and retired working class and the popular sectors.The urgency of an emergency increase is not only a problem of retirement and minimum pensions, which today only cover a third of basic needs, it is an accumulated loss of purchasing power of all assets. This situation is aggravated by obtaining current and future retirements for around half of the economically active population, in conditions of unregistered work, unemployment, underemployment and job insecurity. WITH THE UNITY AND MOBILIZATION OF TRADE UNIONS, RETIRED, SOCIAL, TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATIONS, CONSEQUENT IN THE DEFENSE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE ACTIVE AND RETIRED WORKING CLASS, WE WILL PRESENT OUR THREE BILLS OF LAW IN THE NATIONAL CONGRESS AGAIN TO PRODUCE A GREAT POPULAR AND PARLIAMENTARY DEBATE: NEW SOCIAL PROTECTION LAW, INSSPJ STANDARDIZATION LAW (PAMI) AND COMMODATUM HOUSING LAW FOR RETIRED ADDRESSES AND PENSIONERS WITH HOUSING NEEDS. ENOUGH OF THE VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND MISTREATMENT OF THE OLDER PEOPLE! NEXT FRIDAY, JUNE 16, WE WILL BE PRESENT WITH OUR PROPOSALS AT THE NATIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT AND AT THE MOBILIZATION CALLED BY THE AUTONOMOUS CTA AND VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS!!

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ARGENTINA: Press Release 1689 “Wednesday of the Retirees”

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