Thursday, June 29, 2023

Press Release 1630 "Wednesday for Retirees" June 27, 2023

THE STRUGGLE IN UNIT AND MOBILIZATION OF TRADE UNIONS, SOCIAL, POPULAR, ACTIVE AND RETIRED ORGANIZATIONS - CONSISTENT WITH THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING CLASS - IS THE WAY TO ACHIEVE AN URGENT EMERGENCY INCREASE IN RETIREMENTS AND PENSIONS AND, IN THIS ELECTION STAGE , DEMAND DEFINITIONS ON OUR DEMANDS AND PROPOSALS. Almost 40 years after the restoration of democracy, it is inevitable to relate the current economic and social situation with the neoliberal establishment of the capitalist system in our country - around 1975 with the Rodrigazo - and deepened by the genocidal dictatorship.The different governments that succeeded each other maintained that matrix. Some aggravating it and others, without touching the exploitative essence of capitalism and with arguments of a "humanized, distributive capitalism", trying to make it more "tolerable for the popular sectors" and container of their struggles. The offensive of the dominant economic power continues to hit the people, incorporating the decisive presence of the IMF, which is pressing to carry out regressive reforms, especially in the labor and social security spheres. In this context, the events of Jujuy are paradigmatic, where the political power, acting at the service and as manager of the large economic groups, true real power, carries out a brutal repression against the people of Jujuy who fight for fair wages, for the ancestral rights of native peoples and for popular sovereignty over common goods. L@s retirees and pensioners, as members of the working class, do not resign ourselves to this unfortunate reality. In this regard, we not only oppose any attempt at pension reform that is harmful to the interests and rights of workers, but we will present shortly, for the broadest and most participatory debate possible, a bill that establishes a true public, universal, solidarity, pay-as-you-go and intergenerational pension system.

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