Saturday, July 29, 2023

News from Retirees and Pensioners in India

At the call of NCCPA (National coordination committee of Pensioners Associations) thousands of Pensioners from different affiliates of NCCPA have converged on 21.07.2023 at New Delhi the national capital. A powerful March to Parliament Rally was held and many leaders of Central TU, Parliament Members, Confederation of CG Employees and NFPE Secretary Generals, comrades from all affiliates highlighted the 15 Point Charter of Demands of Pensioners with number one demand to abolish National Pension Scheme based on employees monthly contribution. At the end of the rally comrades K.Ragavendran SG NCCPA and VAN Namboodiri Patron of NCCPA met the officials of Prime Minister of India and handed over the memorandum of NCCPA with more than 50,000 signatures obtained throughout the country during two months of signature campaign programme. TUI (P&R) leaders in India, comrades K.Ragavendran; K.G.Jayaraj; A.K.Ghosh; and Swastika Das Gupta played important role. - Some photos of mobilisation are given below: - K.Ragavendran TUI (P&R) Coordinator of Asia.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Argentina: Press Release 1634 "Wednesday for Retirees" July 25, 2023

The electoral campaign began with a view to the PASO that will be held on August 13, with a social reality that no one can ignore and that strongly affects the retiree sector. In this sense, we propose to each of the candidates, to each of the fronts and coalitions that present applicants for the different positions, that they make public what their specific proposals are on the pension issue. Ours, driven by the struggles, is the presentation of a bill that contemplates a true public, universal, pay-as-you-go, intergenerational, solidary Pension System, with the administration and management by the representatives of retirees and active workers, democratically elected, and the participation of the State as responsible for Social Security, and which guarantees mobility, 82%, equal treatment, progressivity and conservation of rights in addition to economic and financial autonomy. Immediately we demand an emergency increase that brings the minimum amount to the amount of the Basic Basket for an Older Adult calculated by the Ombudsman for the Third Age of CABA, and proportional in all scales. The cause of the retirees and of the pensioners, is the cause of the present and future working class, for which we call on the organizations of workers and active workers and retirees, social and popular, consistent with the interests of the working class, to unite in this fight. A few days ago, compañero Salvador Capará, leader of our Coordinating Table, died, a fighter, an indefatigable militant, who until the last moment of his life testified to his enormous and unyielding commitment to the just fight for the rights of retirees. Comrade Salvador Capará: PRESENT!!! NOW AND ALWAYS!!! NATIONAL COORDINATING TABLE OF RETIRED AND PENSIONED ORGANIZATIONS OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


The National Coordinating Board of Organizations of Retirees and Pensioners of the Argentine Republic is writing to you to express its solidarity on the occasion of the National Day of Pension Struggle called by CENAJUPE for the 19th of this month and year. The harsh reality of the Peruvian working class, both active and retired, is a consequence of an unjust and inhuman system such as Capitalism. Unfortunately this situation is aggravated by the policies carried out by the government of Dina Boluarte, who not only illegitimately exercises power, but does not hesitate to repress workers and other popular sectors, even to the point of murder. Among these reactionary initiatives are the sadly known pension reforms that are trying to be implemented. For this reason we support and make our own the just demands put forward by the CENAJUPE, Fuerza compañeras y compañeros! Strong and fraternal embrace. NATIONAL COORDINATING BUREAU OF ORGANIZATIONS OF RETIREES AND PENSIONERS OF THE ARGENTINEAN REPUBLIC

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Press Release 1632 "Wednesday for Retirees" July 11, 2023

The Minimum Retirement Credit in July is $69,000.- (out of pocket), plus the arbitrary bonus of $17,000. A total of $86,000.-, which is received by 60% of retirees and pensioners and which is only enough for 34% of the Basic Basket for an Elderly Person, prepared by the Ombudsman for the Third Age of CABA. Said basket is determined at $202,064.- as of March 31 and, updated with the inflation indices for April, May and June, it will exceed $250,000.-. The bonus that is applied proportionally, up to a retirement similar to the sum of two Minimum Retirement Salaries, determines that the income of 85% of all national retirees and pensioners is not enough to cover basic subsistence needs. The situation worsens among those who receive the PUAM, that is, 80% of the Minimum Retirement Credit, and among those who are discounted the contributions for moratorium These are the adjustment policies that would make it possible to comply with the agreements that the Government has signed with the IMF for the payment of the illegal, illegitimate, fraudulent, odious, external debt (contracted by the previous government) without the necessary investigation to determine the responsibilities policies and the destination of those funds. These commitments aim to reduce the pension budget by transforming retirement into an old age subsidy It is essential that in this electoral stage the political forces and their candidates manifest themselves on the immediate need for an emergency increase on retirement and pensions and what is the pension system they are proposing. From the Coordinating Table, together with a significant number of retiree, social, union and political organizations, we promote a bill that we are debating widely and that proposes a public, pay-as-you-go, assisted, intergenerational pension system that guarantees 82% mobile on wages and a minimum credit that covers the Basic Basket of the Elderly. The direction and administration of the pension system will be in charge of the active workers and retirees, with the participation of the State

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Press Release 1631 "Wednesday for Retirees" July 4, 2023

JULY 9, 1816 / 2023 At 207 years, we find ourselves in a Latin America inserted in a deep crisis of the world capitalist system and in an Argentina where the government agreements with the IMF (for the renegotiation of the illegitimate, illegal, fraudulent and odious external debt) deepen the adjustments and they demand labor and social security reforms, -open or covert-. The result of these policies is reflected in the rates of poverty, indigence, labor marginality and retirement with a minimum credit for the month of June of $69,000.- (out of pocket) plus an arbitrary bonus until September (which receives 60%). and whose sum only covers 35% of the Basic Basket of an older person. 85% of all retirees and pensioners do not access it. That is why the historical mandate of July 9, 1816, when the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata declared the Independence of our territory, becomes more valid than ever. This decision to confront the Spanish colonial power implied infinite sacrifices for the popular sectors that left their lives on the battlefields: blacks, native peoples, Creoles, made up the popular army. This war for liberation was joined by the group of Latin American peoples, who starred and still star in the struggles for national and social liberation, in a world without exploiters or exploited. Our history shows that for its achievement it is essential to promote popular power, with the capacity to confront and defeat the ruling classes, allied to the imperialist power of the day, facing all possible speculation. The fight for the definitive independence continues in force, it is a fight for the equality and dignity of our people. Therefore, as members of the working class, as part of the struggles of the workers and the people, the retirees and pensioners, we assume this challenge. AGAINST THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT AND THE IMF! NO TO EXTERNAL DEBT PAYMENT! CANCELLATION OF THE GOVERNMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE IMF ENOUGH OF ADJUSTMENT, LOOTING, EXTRACTIVISM AND DEPENDENCIES! THE DEBT IS TO THE PEOPLE AND NATURE! THAT THE RESOURCES GO TO RESOLVE THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE: WAGES, WORK, RETIREMENTS, HEALTH, EDUCATION, HOUSING AND CARE. THE ADJUSTMENT IS ALSO THROUGH INFLATION. MINIMUM SALARY EQUAL TO THE FAMILY BASKET. MONTHLY UPDATE OF SALARIES, RETIREMENTS AND SOCIAL PROGRAMS. FOR THE TRIUMPH OF ALL THE WORKERS AND POPULAR STRUGGLES DOWN WITH THE CRIMINALIZATION OF THE PROTEST. SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE OF JUJUY ENOUGH OF REPRESSION. FREEDOM TO THE DETAINEES.

ARGENTINA: Press Release 1689 “Wednesday of the Retirees”

The story below comes to us from our correspondent Marcos Wolman in Buenos Aires. What is extrordinary about the right-wing ass...